Professional General Commercial Cleaning Bid Proposal with checklist. Be prepared on your interviews with prospective clients and submit a professional bid.
Very professional General Commercial/Janitorial Cleaning Bid Proposal comes complete with a checklist. This form is for use in general cleaning buildings such as a pharmacy, gym, antique store, mom and pop shop, etc.
Check off exactly what your client wants you to do at each visit and how often. Provides areas for customer information, services desired, services description, cost of service, and signature line. Once your client agrees on the terms, he/she signs the signature now have a contract.
This form is completely editable in Microsoft Word so you can customize it towards your own business style or to your client's needs. You can change your heading, the color layout, items, item descriptions and more! You can also put this on 2 part paper so that you and your client each have a copy.
This form will be delivered in Microsoft Word and PDF format. This form is also included in the commercial cleaning package, the combo cleaning package, the select cleaning package and the ultra cleaning package.
Forms are an immediate download unless you would like them customized with your business information. If you selected to have them customized, they are sent via email within 5 business days or less. We do not ship the forms.